
Harry Potter Themed Wedding with a magical twist!

Harry Potter Themed Wedding with a magical twist!

There is a differences between a novice magician to a professional wizard! This Wedding is surely a powerful wizard at work! (Our Wedding Planners are so crazy over this wedding! Its so beautiful!)

This couple wedding is magically held in Manchester (UK the home of Harry Potter!!!) with insanely detailed Harry Potter & Howard element in it! Magic is Everywhere! (Thanks to Kelly Clarke whom captured the photos for the day!)
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal


The wedding is held in Midland Hotel and it took more than 1 year to plan and for them to plunder through eBay, discount shop, second-hand shops and charity shop every weekend for all the items!


Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table setting

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting


They also stayed up till 3am most nights to put wing on Ferro Rochers or searching online for items.

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations


Their Table setting all had a house theme named after the novels and the school house of Gryffindor, Slytherin, HufflePuff and Raven Claw with the Top Table displaying each of the house crests! Its so pretty!


Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting house crest


By the way, have you met the lovely couple yet?

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations wedding couple

We present to you Wizard Lewis Byrom & Witch Cassie Leigh for their magical wedding! 


During their wedding, they also acted out the books final battle between Harry and Voldemort with wands for the Amazing Photo!
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations wedding couple final wand battle


Besides that, they handcrafted 130 Wand for all their guest! Its so meaningful and beautiful too!
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations wand wedding favors


The wedding venue is also tastefully decorated with many harry potter element such as its bar drinks, table setting and also the crest of Howards!
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations crest


Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations bar drinks copy


Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations 2 copy


Besides that, the Cake is nice too!

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations wedding cake

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal table number and table setting howards decorations wedding cake topping


The wedding is really detailed to the point that:

The Ring were inscribed with ‘Always' Severus Snape's pledge to Harry's Mum, Lily. (From the half-blood prince)
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding band ring


The Beautiful Hand Bouquet were from…..
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding hand bouquet


The Pages of Harry Potter Book!
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding hand bouquet book pages


Not only that!

Their bridal party wore Golden Snitch bracelets while the groom wear the signature cufflink “Mischief Managed”

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding golden snitch

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding groom accessories


While the bride wear Harry Potter garter and a really pretty mischievous house heels!

Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding accessories


Lastly, we are pleased to present to you the beautiful bride and groom from magical land that harry potter fan will envy!
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding ceremony done


These are some other photos from the event too!
Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding castle


Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding castle photo


Harry potter themed wedding dreamwedding boutique singapore bridal wedding ceremony


We wishes everyone a wicked wedding ahead! Mischief Managed!

(Thanks to Kelly Clarke again whom captured the photos for the day!)

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