“ The two most engaging powers of a photograph are to make new things familiar and familiar things new. ”
“Each Love Story is unique and our lovely couple, Peter & Nellyana wanted to tell you, their very own!
Congratulations to them for their recent Wedding! Wishing them ever lasting love and forever happiness!
This lovely couple chose some of the unique pre wedding photoshoot locations in Taiwan and we LOVE IT!
From the street view, (向左走,向右走) to hidden forest. The Album is full of unconventional Photoshoot Locations in Taipei!
We do have many more Taiwan Pre Wedding Photoshoot Packages for you to choose from!
~No Hidden Cost & All Photos Return Promotion! ~See more of our Unique Pre Wedding Photoshoot Locations & Album Here.
P.s. One Groom Can Only Sign 1 Package with 1 Bride in our Bridal for this LIFETIME.