Andy & Joy Wedding Celebration

Dear Family & Friends of Andy & Joy


Thank you very much for your confirmation to be attending Andy & Joy Dream Wedding Dinner on


24th May 2015


Andy & Joy Dream Wedding Banquet Invitation Card


The details of the Wedding are as such: 


Venue: Qian Xi (Farrer park) Restaurant


Address: Civil Service Club, Level 3, Diamond Ballroom
60 Tessensohn Road, Singapore 217664


This is the Google Map for your references.


Cocktail will commence at 7.00pm
Dinner will commence at 7.30pm


Should you have any questions or Personal Blessing for Andy & Joy.
They can be contacted at:
Andy: 83666494
Joy: 92222552


Lets give our Blessing to Andy & Joy Once Again & May They Have a Blissful Marriage Ahead! Cheers!


With Love,